Dedicated to the well-being and economic status

of women in the Kings and Annapolis Counties


Let's Speak Mi'kmaq

Would you like to learn some words in the Mi’kmaq language?

Great! The first thing you need to know is:  There are NO SILENT LETTERS in the Mi'kmaq language.

There will be words that will be close to impossible to spell phonetically.

Now, let’s begin our first word with a greeting in Mi’kmaq.

Your first word is: Kwe’

(Phonetically pronounced: Kway)

Kwe’ means: Hello

Next word is: Kitpu

(Phonetically pronounced: Git pooh)

When phonetically pronouncing a word that has a "G" sound, the letter "G " will have a soft "G" sound .... as in "Go, Gone.

Kitpu means: Eagle

Tities (dee dee ess) - Blue Jay


This word is a phrase: Wli Nipi Alasutma! (Willie nibby alla sued mah)

Wli Nipi Alasutma means: Merry Christmas!

Pasu'l Pana'ne! (Bah zool  Bah nah nay!) - Happy New Year!

New word:

Kesik (Guess sick) - Winter.

Muin (Moo win) - Bear

Apli'kmuj (ah blig gah mooj) - Rabbit 

Lentuk (len dook  Note: 'dook' will rhyme with the word "took") - Deer

Paqtism (This word will require you to hear orally for pronunciation) - Wolf

Te'sipow (Daisy beau) - Horse

Te'sipow Ji'j (Daisy beau  Jeech) - Foal

Kopit (Go bit) - Beaver

L'muj (ool mooj) - Dog

Mia'wj (Me ouch) - Cat (Domesticated cat)

Qalipu (Will need audio pronunciation) - Caribou

T'iam (Dee alm) - Moose

Atu'tuej (ah dew dew wedge) - Squirrel

P'jila'si (Oop jill lah see) - Welcome

Wela'lioq (If I am thanking more than 2 people) (Well lah lee oh)

Mui'ne'j (Moo in nedge) - Bear Cub

Amu (Ah moo) - Bee

Mimikej (Me me gedge) - Butterfly


Jijawej'k (Gee jah wedge k) - Swamp Peepers (frogs)

Kloqoej (Glow ho edge) - Star

Mijjua'ji'j (Midge jew wah jeech) - Baby

Teke'k (Day geg) - Cold

Samuqwan (Some oo gwun) - Water

Kesalul (Guess a lool) - I love you

L'muji'j (Oll moo Jeech) - Puppy

Wsitqamu (Ooo sit ha moo) - Earth

Wa'pek (Wah baag) - White

Mekwe'k (Meck waag) - Red

(Much dah waag) - Black

(Wah dup deck) - Yellow

(Jip jow edge) - Robin

- Canoe

(Gusty oh me) - Molasses

Apu (Ah boo) - Soup

(Me medge) - Fish

(Goon jee) - Head

Nikmaq (Niggama) - My family (relations)

(Nah miss) - My big Sister

Nkij (Un geej) - My mother

Nutj (Nooch) - My father

Ntus (un doos) - My daughter

(Un jigga numb) - My little brother

Nsi’s (Un cease) - My big brother

(Un kway jeech) - My little sister

Newt (Nowt rhymes with "out", pout, snout) - The number one

Weli Eksitpu'k. Piskwa'. Pa'si
(Willy eggsit poog....biskwa...Bah see) - Good morning. Come in. Sit down.

(May dowl well lane?) - How are you?

Kwe' Nitapsk'w
(Gway knee dub skw) - Hello, my female friend.

Kwe' Nkwis
(Gway oon gwiss) - Hello, my son.

Keslul, Mikiju
(Guess a Lool, Migajew) - I love you, my grandmother.

Nmultis, nkweji'j. (Nah mull diss,......oon kway jeech.) - I'll see you later, little sister.

Tami Elien?
(Dummy Elolie en?) - Where are you going?

Compiled and submitted by Wanda Finigan