Let's Speak Mi'kmaq
Would you like to learn some words in the Mi’kmaq language?
Great! The first thing you need to know is: There are NO SILENT LETTERS in the Mi'kmaq language.
There will be words that will be close to impossible to spell phonetically.
Now, let’s begin our first word with a greeting in Mi’kmaq.
Your first word is: Kwe’
(Phonetically pronounced: Kway)
Kwe’ means: Hello
Next word is: Kitpu
(Phonetically pronounced: Git pooh)
When phonetically pronouncing a word that has a "G" sound, the letter "G " will have a soft "G" sound .... as in "Go, Gone.
Kitpu means: Eagle
Tities (dee dee ess) - Blue Jay
This word is a phrase: Wli Nipi Alasutma! (Willie nibby alla sued mah)
Wli Nipi Alasutma means: Merry Christmas!
Pasu'l Pana'ne! (Bah zool Bah nah nay!) - Happy New Year!
New word:
Kesik (Guess sick) - Winter.
Muin (Moo win) - Bear
Apli'kmuj (ah blig gah mooj) - Rabbit
Lentuk (len dook Note: 'dook' will rhyme with the word "took") - Deer
Paqtism (This word will require you to hear orally for pronunciation) - Wolf
Te'sipow (Daisy beau) - Horse
Te'sipow Ji'j (Daisy beau Jeech) - Foal
Kopit (Go bit) - Beaver
L'muj (ool mooj) - Dog
Mia'wj (Me ouch) - Cat (Domesticated cat)
Qalipu (Will need audio pronunciation) - Caribou
T'iam (Dee alm) - Moose
Atu'tuej (ah dew dew wedge) - Squirrel
P'jila'si (Oop jill lah see) - Welcome
Wela'lioq (If I am thanking more than 2 people) (Well lah lee oh)
Mui'ne'j (Moo in nedge) - Bear Cub
Amu (Ah moo) - Bee
Mimikej (Me me gedge) - Butterfly
Jijawej'k (Gee jah wedge k) - Swamp Peepers (frogs)
Kloqoej (Glow ho edge) - Star
Mijjua'ji'j (Midge jew wah jeech) - Baby
Teke'k (Day geg) - Cold
Samuqwan (Some oo gwun) - Water
Kesalul (Guess a lool) - I love you
L'muji'j (Oll moo Jeech) - Puppy
Wsitqamu (Ooo sit ha moo) - Earth
Wa'pek (Wah baag) - White
Mekwe'k (Meck waag) - Red
Maqtewe'k (Much dah waag) - Black
Waptaptek (Wah dup deck) - Yellow
Jipjawej (Jip jow edge) - Robin
Kwitn - Canoe
Kastio’mi (Gusty oh me) - Molasses
Apu (Ah boo) - Soup
Mime’j (Me medge) - Fish
Ku’nji (Goon jee) - Head
Nikmaq (Niggama) - My family (relations)
Nmis (Nah miss) - My big Sister
Nkij (Un geej) - My mother
Nutj (Nooch) - My father
Ntus (un doos) - My daughter
Njiknam (Un jigga numb) - My little brother
Nsi’s (Un cease) - My big brother
Nkweji’j (Un kway jeech) - My little sister
Newt (Nowt rhymes with "out", pout, snout) - The number one
Weli Eksitpu'k. Piskwa'. Pa'si (Willy eggsit poog....biskwa...Bah see) - Good morning. Come in. Sit down.
Me'Talwelain? (May dowl well lane?) - How are you?
Kwe' Nitapsk'w (Gway knee dub skw) - Hello, my female friend.
Kwe' Nkwis (Gway oon gwiss) - Hello, my son.
Keslul, Mikiju (Guess a Lool, Migajew) - I love you, my grandmother.
Nmultis, nkweji'j. (Nah mull diss,......oon kway jeech.) - I'll see you later, little sister.
Tami Elien? (Dummy Elolie en?) - Where are you going?
Compiled and submitted by Wanda Finigan