Dedicated to the well-being and economic status

of women in the Kings and Annapolis Counties



In honour of International Women's Day
IWD Summit:

A New Year... A New Era?
Gender-based violence, equity and justice - what next?

MARCH 6th - 7th, 2024
Oak Island Inn and Resort, Western Shore, NS

2024 is a time of significant social crises and upheaval on a global scale. We know that women and gender-diverse people suffer disproportionately during these times. And people who are Black, Indigenous, living with disabilities, on low incomes, unhoused or newcomers are at a greater risk for gendered violence harm, compounded by persistent bias and racism.

In Nova Scotia there may also be a pivotal convergence at this time: dedicated resources, recent and irrefutable evidence (the National Action Plan to End GBV, the Mass Casualty Commission recommendations, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls), and an increasingly robust readiness for change. The imperative for gender intersectional equity and justice that leaves no one behind is foundational to tackling gender-based violence collectively and strategically in new and innovative ways.

What will we do with the opportunity before us?
Let's gather, share and strategize together to find out.

Registration information to follow in the coming weeks!

Quote of the Day

"Around the world there are countless examples of women rising, taking leadership, taking their destiny into their own hands, inspiring all of us. But women and girls are still the majority of the victims of war. They are over half of all refugees, and the vast majority of the victims of rape and other sexual and gender-based violence."

Angelina Jolie